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Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Spearhead the digital payments industry via ewallet app development services. Save costs and accelerate launch with a digital wallet app built on the pre-developed FinTech Platform by a team of dedicated financial software developers.

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All features of an irresistible wallet app.
Out of the box

Cater to all of your customers’ financial needs to earn their loyalty and trust.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Accounts holding any currency
or digital assets

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Currency exchange
between user’s wallets

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Card issuing
virtual and physical

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

P2P transfers
inside the system

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Digital onboarding
fully remote

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Bill payments
(vendor integration needed)

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

International remittance
(vendor integration needed)

Intuitive back-office for your team

The white-label software from provides a solid base for your financial product to succeed – from configuring the system to empowering your team to exceed customer expectations with impeccable service.

  • Self-registration via email or phone 
  • Flexible survey and document uploading (such as identity, utility bills, etc)
  • KYC:
    • Automated (via a pre-integrated vendor – Complyadvantage)
    • Manual (via back-office interface)
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • All customer details and activities are in one place
  • Chats with customers via the in-system messaging tool
  • Notes about a customer for future
  • Top-ups and withdrawals
  • Payment gateway operations (via pre-integrated vendors)
  • In-system transfers or payments
  • In-system currency exchange
  • External currency exchange (via pre-integrated vendors)
  • Payment link
  • QR-payments (coming soon)
  • Refund and chargeback (coming soon)
  • Vendor terms and conditions input
  • Creating customer contracts with different sets of commissions and limits
  • Let customers choose the preferred contract type (e.g. with or without monthly fees) 
  • Customizable fees for any transaction: %, flat fee, or combination of them
  • Configuring the fee bearer (sender or receiver) 
  • Transaction limits (per period, amount or number of transactions) 
  • Company liabilities reconciliation
    • Liabilities in front of your clients
    • Liabilities in front of your vendors
  • Identifying unmatched transactions and discrepancies
  • Resolving the detected issues
  • Clear picture of your company’s gains on top of transactions

Accelerate the release with a pre-developed digital wallet Platform

Save months for building your wallet app with battle-tested combo: digital wallet app development on top of a ready white-label core payment platform.

Have a team of seasoned experts with 15+ years in FinTech and ewallet app development build your product using the FinTech Platform to save development time and costs.

Dedicated development team

Our experts will help launch your product from the idea to its implementation in code and interface using our Platform.

  • Accelerated ewallet product deployment
  • Ready backend Platform.
  • An expert team without hiring headaches
  • Saved in-house team’s resources

Let's discuss your digital wallet product development needs

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Developing all types of ewallet apps

We provide custom mobile & digital wallet solutions using innovative technology and integrations. Leverage our expertise to get your fully secured, intuitive ewallet product with top-notch back office and UI/UX design.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Closed-loop wallet
allow users to make transactions within a defined ecosystem, like a retail chain or an amusement park, offering convenienе and seamless purchases.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Open wallet
enable users to store multiple payment options, such as credit/debit cards, offering a broad range of payment choices for various services and merchants.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Semi-closed wallet
it is an ideal choice for niche use cases and partnerships, as it allows users to make transactions at specific merchant locations or services only.


Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Mobile wallet
develop a mobile application that securely stores payment information and allows users to transact and make payments swiftly and conveniently.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Stored value wallet
create a preloaded digital wallet for users to store a set amount of money for future transactions, eliminating the need to carry physical cash and simplifying payments.


Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Telco wallet
Allow users to pay for products and services directly using their mobile phone accounts, merging communication and payment capabilities.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Transportation wallet
Create an ewallet that caters to urban mobility services, like taxis, rideshares, and public transport, simplifying and improving the commuting experience.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Cashback/rewards wallet
Offers users a unique perk by providing cashback on purchases or accumulating loyalty rewards points, incentivizing spending, and fostering customer loyalty.

Choose the delivery model and customization level

The combination of pre-developed software and digital or mobile wallet app development services empowers our customers with the choice of how they need their solutions delivered and maintained. They can go for top customizability and vendor independence, or opt for a more affordable solution maintained by our in-house team.

Full controlBest for enterprise level businesses
Top efficiencyBest fit for startups and SMBs
DeliveryOn-premiseHybrid cloud
LicenseSource codeSubscription
CustomizabilityUnlimitedUI/UX, third party services integrations
App maintenanceA responsibility of the customer’s teamOn the team*
Main database maintenanceA responsibility of the customer’s teamA responsibility of the customer’s team
PaymentOne-time source-code license paymentMonthly payments

Why ewallet software development company?

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Faster development

We use our proprietary transaction engine to power a bespoke solution for you. So, you enjoy the speed of implementing an off-the-shelf software and have it tailored, scaled and extended to meet your ewallet app requirements on a significantly lower budget compared to building the same bespoke solution from scratch.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Seamless integrations

Our Platform features out-of-the-box integrations and 400+ API endpoints for easy integration with almost any third-party service provider or solution. This strengthens our ewallet Platform’s time- and money-saving potential and frees developers from many integrations-related headaches.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Your data is yours only

Our software only processes the transactions and doesn’t store data. Plus, your main database is entirely under your control, hosted on-premise or in a private cloud, without compromising its security by third-party access.

Ewallet software development case studies

A MENA PSP revamps transaction accounting system

Investigate how a MENA country's large payment service provider (NDA) improves its main transaction accounting system by combining on-premise core software with their existing POS software.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

MPAY - a payment app with ewallet

Learn how MPAY transformed a network of cash-in payment kiosks into a full-scale payment app using ewallet software and developing on top of it.

Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

Reach out and get your digital wallet app built by experts!

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    Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend Ewallet app development company with a ready  backend

    Ewallet app development FAQs

    How long does it take to develop an eWallet app?

    The time required to develop an eWallet app can vary depending on the complexity of the app, the number of features, and the development process used. A simple eWallet app can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to develop.

    With digital wallet software and a professional team, you can build your payment app faster, without starting from scratch.

    How much does eWallet app development cost?

    The cost of mobile wallet application development depends on many factors, including the complexity of the app, the number of features required, the skills and experience of the development team, and the location of the development team.

    Typically, costs range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for a more complex system. offers two versions for purchasing the digital wallet platform: an affordable cloud-based version with a subscription-based pricing structure and an on-premise version that includes a source code license and is available for a one-time flat fee.

    What is the process for developing an eWallet app?

    The process for developing an eWallet or mobile wallet app typically involves several phases, including requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment.

    Our development team works closely with you to ensure that the app meets their specific needs, is user-friendly, and complies with relevant regulations and security standards.

    How do I integrate an eWallet app with my existing systems?

    Integrating an eWallet app with existing systems depends on the systems in question and may require the use of APIs, data mapping, and other integration tools.

    The software Platform has more than 400 API endpoints which facilitate the integration with payment gateways and other necessary third-party services.